Leaf peepers congregate on this site dedicated to following the path of autumn colors as they move across Virginia.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Nov. 25, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Nov. 18, 2011
Here's the latest update on fall color in Virginia. The fall color season is drawing to a close in Virginia. Many areas of the Piedmont, especially the southern Piedmont, still have color, though this area is past peak. The Coastal Plain has significant color and areas will be peaking between now and Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Nov. 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Nov. 4, 2011
Here’s the update on fall colors across the state. Significant color change can be seen in the Piedmont. Most tree species are at full color with some species of oaks lagging a little bit. Many areas are approaching peak color. East of Richmond in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, patchy color change can be seen, and fall color can be found on the Peninsula.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Oct. 28, 2011
Some trees that are overlooked at other times of the year really begin to shine in mid-autumn. Hickories are scattered throughout Virginia’s forests, from the mountains to the sea. These rugged trees have compound leaves that turn a clear golden yellow. Sweet gum has truly amazing fall color. You may see deep red, orange, yellow, and even purple on the same tree.
Here’s the update on fall colors across the state. In the New River Valley, more than 75% of the trees have peak color. In the Shenandoah Valley, fall color is evident on between 65-75% of the trees. Plenty of color can still to be found in the mountains, especially among the oaks, although recent rain and wind brought down some of the early turners.
The Piedmont has approximately 50% color and is expected to peak in early November. The Coastal Plain is expected to peak in mid-November.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Oct.21, 2011
Fall color season is underway across the state. In Southwest Virginia, peak colors can still be seen in many areas. The Mount Rogers area is at or just past peak. Peak colors are expected within the next week at lower elevations. In the New River Valley, colors are near peak in the higher elevations, and approaching peak in the lower elevations. In the Allegheny Mountains, colors are past peak. In the Shenandoah Valley, approximately 50% of the trees have color and are at or approaching peak.
Elsewhere in the state, the Piedmont has approximately 25% color. The Coastal Plain is expected to peak in mid-November.
Fall fire season is in effect from October 15th to November 30th, so remember to be careful with outdoor fire. When burning leaves, the Virginia Department of Forestry recommends burning small piles, have water on hand and a cell phone nearby to dial 911 if it gets out of control.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Oct.14, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fall Foliage Report – Oct. 7, 2011
Fall is the time for bright leaves, but colorful berries also add to the show. These are best viewed up close, on foot, rather than from a car. Dogwoods, hollies, and sumacs have brilliant red berries. Wild grapes turn black to bluish-black. Persimmon fruits ripen to a dull orange, while pawpaws turn the dull, bruised yellow of a ripe banana. Acorns, walnuts, hickory and beechnuts are also present in fall. Color changes continue throughout the state. In southwest Virginia, very little color change at this time. Color change can be seen in tree species such as poplars, sweet gum, dogwood and maple. At this time, peak colors are expected in the mountains during mid to late October; the Piedmont and Coastal Plain are expected to peak during late October and early November. To learn about scenic driving tours or how you can help the Virginia Department of Forestry collect acorns to grow in its nurseries, visit our website at http://www.dof.virginia.gov/.